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Rental Equipment
Equipment is available for landowners to rent.
Rental equipment is on a first come, first served basis.
Chemical Sprayers
SCWP rents out chemical application equipment in an effort to ensure all residents have access to affordable, dependable, and correctly calibrated spray equipment.
Sprayers will be rented at a daily rate per days retained
Big Pull Behind (225 Gal)
3 available
*requires 2 inch hitch, cannot be pulled by anything smaller than a side-by-side

Small Pull Behind (65 Gal)
2 available
*requires 2 inch hitch
Slide-In (165 Gal)
2 available
*pickup must have at least 40 inches between wheel wells
Backpack (4 Gal)
4 available

Prairie Dogs and Gophers
ATV Rozol Baiter
1 available
Gopher Getter Juniors
2 available
Macabee Gopher Trap
$5.00 to buy

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